Have you ever encountered problems with your neighbor? If yes, you must have felt the need to resolve it as quickly as possible. There could be other complaints in the form of property maintenance, landscaping, parking, and noise, to name a few.

Well, here is the good news: We have come up with the hoa complaint letter template that can vanish all your worries in terms of drafting the right letter. You can personalize the template according to your situation.

Did I mention the need to follow up after sending the complaint letter? You can do that to minimize the time between sending the complaint and resolving it.

But first things first,

How to handle HOA complaints effectively

Who likes to receive complaints? They come with negativity and can really hamper your mood. But if you are a member of the homeowner association, you can’t refrain from receiving complaints at some point or the other.

There will be some members from the whole community who don’t like the way things are currently running. Everyone will have their own opinion.

Receiving complaints is normal if you are in HOA. But if you deal with them effectively, you can really turn the tables. If you have a leadership position in a homeowner association, it is your duty to resolve the problems as stated in the HOA complaint letter right away. And if you make even the slightest mistake, you might end up in hot water with the HOA and the law as well.

If someone is finding it hard to craft a perfect hoa complaint letter, we are there to help them. Here is the hoa complaint letter template to help you –


(Name of HOA) board of directors


(State along with the ZIP Code)

I am writing this complaint letter to officially inform you about some families in our neighborhood residing in HOA. They are not using the trash cans properly and throw the garbage outside the bins. It not only spreads bad smells but is harmful to the environment.

Being a responsible member, we need to keep our neighborhood in the best condition. I sincerely request you to warn those families or take some action to ensure the cleanliness in our neighborhood. This will be in everyone’s best interest.

You can contact me for any further queries or discussion.

Thanks and Regards




Some FAQ’s around HOA Complaint Letter:

What if I disagree with the HOA’s response to my complaint?

In case you are not satisfied with HOA’s response to your complaint, ensure that you understand and interpret the laws well. Request clarification and ask for compromise, if any. You can also attend the HOA meeting and raise your concerns and issues. Lastly, if nothing works out, you can consult an attorney specializing in HOA matters and take legal action.

How long does it take for the HOA to address a complaint?

Depending on the urgency of the matter, the procedure of the specific HOA, and the nature of the complaint, time varies for the complaint to be addressed by the HOA.

Are there specific guidelines for how an HOA complaint letter should be formatted or written?

There are no hardcore instructions for framing the complaint letter to an HOA. But you need to use clear, concise language, identify yourself, and describe the issue thoroughly with enough evidence. Also, do not forget to mention the date and request a response in a professional manner. Lastly, do not forget to keep a copy of that letter for future reference.

Final thoughts

If you are an individual facing issues with your HOA, try resolving the issue informally at first. If things don’t change, then you can go ahead with writing the complaint letter. Address the complaint by being polite. It is only you who will have to maintain a balance between being polite and assertive while writing the complaint letter.