Are you one of those wondering how to communicate about HOA Violation to a resident gracefully? Looking for the perfect HOA violation letter template? Fear not. We are here to help you.

As a homeowner association manager or a HOA board member, you need to send violation notices at some point in your lives.

But notifying the residents about the violations peacefully is not an easy task.

Here, we will illustrate some tips for writing an effective HOA violation letter along with the template of the same. Let’s get started.

Reason for writing an HOA violation letter

The first and foremost reason to send a violation letter to a person is to inform them of the rule or code of conduct they have violated, which the board takes into account during CC&R Inspection.

The notice you send ensures that both parties have been informed as far as the violation is concerned. But the truth is that every violation is not as easy to resolve as it sounds and might not be solved on a good note.

However, you must keep a few things in mind while writing a violation letter.

  1. Keep your tone firm, but avoid sounding aggressive.
  2. Provide supporting evidence for the violation, such as photographic documentation.
  3. Clearly articulate what needs to be done to solve the problem.
  4. Write the consequences if the violations are not corrected timely.
  5. Include the contact information of the authorized person so that the individual can get in touch with them for additional clarification.

Here is the HOA Violation Letter template to help you with the same.




Dear (Name):

We have sent this letter on behalf of the (HOA Name) as per the decision of the board of directors. This letter serves as the formal notice of the violations we have inspected, and those are –

1. (List the violation)

2. (List the violation)

3. (List the violation)

The above-mentioned violations are against the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions. The rule no. () of HOA Charter states, “Quote the rule”. Thus, you are obligated to make changes by (date) as a legal member of (name of HOA). Failing to do so will make you pay the fine of (Amount) as decided by the HOA.

We request your cooperation in this matter to create a peaceful community for everyone in the neighborhood.

You can contact us for any further questions or concerns regarding this matter. We will ensure to take further steps at the earliest to resolve your issues and let you live happily in your community.


(Name of the HOA President)

Common violations

A list of common violations includes – smoking, vehicle parking, noise, prohibited rentals related to garbage and trash, the number of pets allowed on your property, etc.

Some FAQ’s around HOA Violation Letter:

Can homeowners request an extension of the deadline mentioned in the violation letter?

Yes, homeowners can request an extension of the deadline as given in the violation letter. They have to reach out to relevant authorities or HOA. However, approval for an extension is solely the decision of the HOA, and it requires you to give valid reasons for the extensions from your side.

Is it necessary to consult legal counsel before sending an HOA violation letter?

It is not compulsory to get in touch with a legal counsel before sending an HOA Violation letter. However, it can prove to be a wise step to check whether you have met all the regulations and laws or not. This is especially true for cases where there are higher chances of legal implications.

What if the homeowner does not respond to the HOA violation letter?

The HOA letter typically includes the consequences of not responding to a violation letter. It may list fines or legal actions or anything as per the severity of the violation of the HOA Laws. If you don’t want to get into further trouble, address the violations promptly.

Final Thoughts

Nobody likes to write a violation letter. But you need to have a basic understanding of how to write one because you don’t know what the future has in it for you. Hopefully, the above-given template will make it easy for you and the entire association to draft an HOA violation letter.