Sending a new policy to the homeowners, passing the resolution for approval, or asking for their feedback requires writing letters from the HOA Board. And when you are writing these, you need to be clear and concise with your language for your letters to achieve their intended purpose. Refrain from using any filler language and follow a courteous tone while framing your letter. We will get into more details of the same but.

First, let’s help you with the sample template of LETTERS FROM THE HOA BOARD.

Name of the member:



HOA’s Name:

HOAs’ Address:


Dear Homeowners,

We are lucky to welcome you to the (HOA’s Name) Board of Directors. Congratulations, you are now officially a part of the board members.

The supreme aim of our board of directors is to create a safe and peaceful living space for our community to live in and to enhance the property’s value by keeping it in the best condition possible.

We have scheduled the meeting on (Date) at (Time) at (Address of the location). All the homeowners are invited to meet the board of governors.

Our board of directors includes (Names of the board of directors).


(HOA’s Name)

(HOA’s Representative)

Most times, you ponder over the HOA when you receive the bill or any complaint in the mailbox. However, HOA plays a vital role when it comes to maintaining the property values and quality of life in the community. If you are the lucky one who has been elected as a board member, the above-given template will come in handy to you while writing letters to your neighbors.

Tips to Write an Effective Letter from the HOA Board

  1. First, find out the purpose of your letter and the information you want to convey.
  2. Keep the letter short and simple. Don’t get much into technical terminologies, and stick to the point.
  3. If possible, address each member by name. Adding a personal touch to the letter makes it feel more genuine.
  4. Finally, proofread the letter before sending it.

Some Frequently Asked Questions-

What documents can I access from an HOA?

There are several documents that you can access from an HOA, which include financial statements, bylaws and regulations, Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and restrictions, and meeting minutes.

What should be included in a welcome-back letter?

A welcome letter has the following listed things –

Warm greetings

List of facilities like parking lots, tennis courts, landscaping, party spaces, etc.

Overview of the updates or changes within the community

Important contact information

The remainder of any community guidelines or rules.

Can I request additional copies of the letter or any related documents?

Yes, you can request additional copies of the HOA letters if needed. The HOA should provide you with the required information or answers upon request.


The tips mentioned here will prove helpful to you in the letter-writing process. Get in touch with us for more information.