Millions of people in the USA live in a community that is governed by an HOA or work with an HOA as a manager or an employee. So, there is no denying the fact that there will come a time when you feel the need to communicate with your HOA. How can you ensure that you can have productive and successful communication with the members of the HOA board? By writing a letter and following up through a phone call or a meeting.

To help you with the same, we have come up with a template that will assist you in writing letters to the hoa board.


The (HOA) Board of Directors


I am writing this letter to draw your attention to the fine that I have received because I have renovated my garage without your prior notice. I accept my mistake, but it was the immediate and urgent step that was the need of the hour, and we had to take it due to the problems we were facing with parking.

Moreover, I have not violated any COA Covenants, Conditions, or Restrictions with regard to this renovation. I again apologize for taking this step hurriedly due to the circumstances and for any inconvenience that I may have caused you. But this is the appeal from the bottom of my heart, and I hope that you will accept the same.

If you have any queries, you can surely get in touch with me.

Thanks and Regards





Tips to write effective letters to the HOA Board

  • Use formal language to address the hoa members. Structure the letter in the right way using proper titles. Write in a clear and concise way to outline the specific concerns or give them any recommendations for improvement.
  • Steer clear of showing any anger or personal attacks in your tone, follow a considerate tone, and be respectful.
  • Follow up with a call or meeting if you don’t receive a reply within a few days. Ensure to have additional information and data with you to support your cause when you go for follow-up.
  • Keep your letter professional without having any grammatical or spelling errors.

Some FAQ’s Regarding the HOA Demand Letter:


How long does it typically take to receive a response from the HOA Board?

Response times generally take between one to two months. However, the exact timings depend on the policies of the HOA. So, it is advisable to check in with your HOA to find out the typical response time.

Can I submit a complaint anonymously in a letter to the HOA Board?

Some HOAs allow the members to submit an anonymous complaint, while some do not. It varies from HOA to HOA. You can check the guidelines of your HOA for the same or get in touch with them to see if they accept anonymous complaints or not.

What should I do if I believe my letter to the HOA Board is not being handled appropriately?

The initial step in this case is to send a follow-up letter to the board or contact them through a call to express your concerns. Read again the HOA bylaws for guidance on the complaint resolution process. You can also attend meetings or seek mediation to resolve the issue. If nothing works, go to the attorney to explore legal options.